Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate

The Sisseton–Wahpeton Oyate (Sisitoŋwaŋ, Waĥpetoŋwaŋ) of Lake Traverse Reservation are located in the northeastern part of South Dakota and a small portion of southeastern corner of North Dakota. The reservation boundaries extend across seven counties; two in North and five in South Dakota. It has a total of 13,042 tribal members located throughout the United States and overseas.




“If you just give me a hand up, I know that I can make it.”
Judith Anywaush | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of 1862, Fort Snelling, Family in 1862, Crow Creek, Punitive Expeditions, Abraham Lincoln, Mankato Hangings
Keywords: Fort Snelling, Expendable, Wechankpeotowe (Many Stars Woman), Crow Creek, Soup, Bishop Whipple, Steamboat, Military, Soldiers, Survival
Why don't you guys just forget about it
Judith Anywaush | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Ways of Commemorating, Commemorative March
Keywords: Discrimination, Police, Fort Snelling, March
They tried to keep me in school.
Judith Anywaush | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up, Education, Poverty, Dakota Language
Keywords: Education, Poverty, Projects, Language, School
Do those people really know that they can stay there; they don’t have to come back.
Judith Anywaush | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Dakota Life Today, Jobs, Inter-Tribal Relationships, Repatriation
Keywords: Jobs, Enrollment, Repatriation
When you go to war, some people disappear
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of 1862, Oral History, Family in 1862, Fort Snelling, Dakota Exile/Diaspora, Dakota Social Structure
Keywords: Injustice, Wakute (Wacouta), Canku, Diaspora, Lake Traverse, Orphans, Relatives, Montana, Canada, Fort Totten, Roles, Warriors, Fugitive
We just accept – with open heart, open mind, open spirit.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Birch Coulee, Little People
Keywords: Little People, Birch Coulee
At the root of everything, factionalism was created when immigrants came to our way of living
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: U.S. Government, Factions, Immigration, Dakota Land
Keywords: Indian Removal Act, Factionalism, Treaties, Policies, Reservations, Immigration, Settlers, Encroachment
I think we've outgrown those structures of colonial dominance over Native American people.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Fort Ridgely, Fort Snelling, Reconciliation, Education for Understanding
Keywords: Fort Ridgely, Concessions, Reconciliation, Colonization, Education
That Fort is a sham. It's a Fort whose history is shameful.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Fort Snelling, Spirits
Keywords: Fort Snelling, Spirits, Relatives
Hopefully it would not happen to other people.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Perspectives on 1862, Spirituality, Mankato Hangings
Keywords: Men, Superman, Mankato, Hangings
The way I look at it, is that this country is still ours, spiritually, because it is God-given.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: Connection to Land
Topics: Dakota Land, Spirits, Creation
Keywords: Land, Spirits, Ghosts, Camp Coldwater, Homeland, Relatives
Women within the Dakota society were very highly organized and they were very strong.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: Culture and Values
Topics: Dakota Culture and Values, Dakota Social Structure
Keywords: Warrior, Spiritual Leader, Women
Biggest thing that happened to us was the Second World War.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up, Military
Keywords: Military, WWII
I would wish for the best of both worlds for our young people
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: Hopes for the Future
Topics: Dakota Identity, Youth
Keywords: Skills, Youth
Our roots are still very much deeply embedded in our Dakota way of life.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Dakota Life Today, Lower Sioux Agency, Spirituality, Dakota Identity, Dakota Culture and Values
Keywords: Spirituality, Identity, Roots, Anglo
I would compare it to what's happening to the United States
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Perspectives on 1862, U.S. Government
Keywords: Afghanistan, Iraq
America will never be great unless it does justice to the first Americans on this continent.
Dr. Clifford Canku | Oral History
Theme: Shared History
Topics: Treaties, U.S. Government
Keywords: Treaties, Justice, Property, United Nations
“Makte sni , makte sni, damakota do, damakota do.”
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Family in 1862, Dakota Exile/Diaspora, Camp Release
Keywords: Camp Release, Marches, Treaties, Trials, March
Sometimes getting rid of things doesn’t have the effect that you want
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Fort Snelling
Keywords: Fort Snelling
The war doesn’t sound like it was very well planned out.
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Perspectives on 1862
Keywords: Gabriel Renville, Factionalism
Everything that God created is a relative of ours
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: Culture and Values
Topics: Dakota Culture and Values
Keywords: Food, Philosophy
“God was talking to us. God was talking to us.”
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up
Keywords: Spirituality
I can’t understand why they’re mad
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Dakota and Settler Relationships, Dakota Land
Keywords: Trust, Land Loss, Germans, French, Traders, Attitudes
You know, you get a certain job and it fits like a glove
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Dakota Life Today, Jobs
Keywords: Jobs
The way it was written, the government never intended to pay us the full amount
Walter LaBatte | Oral History
Theme: Shared History
Topics: Treaties, U.S. Government
Keywords: Consequences
Milford Monument
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Ways of Commemorating
Keywords: Milford
Family roles were very structured and followed very closely
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Dakota History
Topics: Dakota Social Structure
Keywords: History, Roles
You don’t give up.
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Education
Topics: Education
Keywords: School
If I don’t break down some barriers, if I don’t tread some new paths...
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up, Dakota in White Systems, Education, Spirituality, Military, Dakota Language
Keywords: History, Prejudice, School, Military, Christianity, Ancestors, Language
Who you are is something nobody can take away from you
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Dakota Life Today, Dakota Identity
Keywords: Warrior, Military, Honor
Common ground
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Inter-cultural Relationships
Keywords: Education, Religion
“You guys can’t be in here; I own all the air in here”
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Shared History
Topics: Dakota Land, Treaties, Immigration, U.S. Government
Keywords: Land, Settlers, Treaties, Encroachment, Dakota and U.S. Gov't
"We’re going to drive you all the way to the Rocky Mountains"
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Shared History
Topics: Treaties, Dakota Social Structure, U.S. Government, Dakota Land
Keywords: Treaties, Dakota and U.S. Gov't, Land
The ideal American doesn’t really exist; he’s a myth
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: Shared History
Topics: U.S. Government, Assimilation, Dawes Act, American Indian Policy
Keywords: Dakota and U.S. Gov't, Assimilation, Dawes Act, American Indian Policy
Two ways of life were clashing
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Causes of War, Factions
Keywords: Dakota Factions, Warrior, Christianity
They got some recompense, I guess
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of 1862
Keywords: Dakota Factions, Lincoln, Hangings, Warrior, Christianity
Lorenzo Lawrence (Towanetaton)
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Family in 1862, Lorenzo Lawrence (Towanetaton)
Keywords: Dakota Spirituality, Christianity, Military, Warrior
It would serve as a memorial to the people that were there
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of 1862, Fort Snelling, Mankato Hangings
Keywords: Fort Snelling, Hangings
“I’ll die with you. Because I’m not a coward.”
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Causes of War, Little Crow
Keywords: Little Crow (Thaóyate Dúta)
The depth of the water is 3.8 feet
Dr. Elden Lawrence | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of 1862, Mankato Hangings
Keywords: Hangings
I would never treat someone like that, no matter what nationality they were
Joan Pendleton | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Perspectives on 1862
Keywords: Forgiveness
We just didn’t like it there
Joan Pendleton | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Education, Boarding Schools, Jobs
Keywords: Flandreau, Boarding School, School
They would never talk in front of us kids in our Dakota language
Joan Pendleton | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up, Language, Spirituality
Keywords: Hoop Dance, Christianity, Dakota Language, School
Joan Pendleton | Oral History
Theme: Hopes for the Future
Topics: Dakota Hopes for the Future
Keywords: Unity, Time
The child believed, "who died?"
Ed LaBelle | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up Dakota, Dakota Culture and Values, Dakota Language, Boarding School, Christianity, Jobs
Keywords: Language, School, Spirituality, Christianity
They want us to forgive and we do forgive to a certain extent but we don’t forget.
Ed LaBelle | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Family in 1862, Aftermath of 1862
Keywords: Family, Aftermath
Collateral Damage
Ed LaBelle | Oral History
Theme: Shared History
Topics: Perspectives on 1862, U.S. Government
Keywords: Henry Sibley, Alexander Ramsey
It was the worst thing that could have happened to the Dakotas in Minnesota
Ed LaBelle | Oral History
Theme: Shared History
Topics: Treaties, U.S. Government
Keywords: Treaties, Alexander Ramsey
It’s not good to dwell on but still it’s there, it’s there
Ed LaBelle | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Dakota Life Today, Dakota Hopes for the Future
Keywords: undefined
Many contributions
Ed LaBelle | Oral History
Theme: Cultural Contributions to U.S.
Topics: Dakota Contributions to North America
Keywords: Medicine, Food, U.S Government

Viewpoints: All viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the contributors, and are not representative of the Minnesota Historical Society.