
Narrator Theme Topics Keywords Type
Dean Blue It happened in this country, too, but you never hear that, never Shared History Genocide Greed, Lying Oral History
Michael Childs He used the United States treatment of the Native Americans as the model Shared History Genocide Genocide, Adolph Hitler, Germ Warfare Oral History
Barbara Anderson They wanted to make sure that the Indians behaved Shared History Dakota and Settler Relationships, Reservations, Boarding Schools Reservations, Boarding School, Drinking Oral History
Dean Blue The more they let them in, the more they wanted. Shared History Treaties, Dakota Land, Repatriation, Minnesota River Valley Homeland, Japan, Germany, Iran Oral History
Lisa Besemer It’s only as good as the paper you write them on. Shared History Treaties Treaty Oral History
Robert Beussman We're people just like they are Shared History Immigration, Persecution Germans, Immigration, Misperception Oral History
Robert Beussman The enemy during one war and then the saviors for the next Shared History Settler Life Discrimination, Persecution, Prejudice Oral History
Dr. Clifford Canku America will never be great unless it does justice to the first Americans on this continent. Shared History Treaties, U.S. Government Treaties, Justice, Property, United Nations Oral History
John LaBatte Some people call it a clash of cultures. I don't, that's too general Shared History Dakota and Settler Relationships Fur Traders, Missionaries, Treaties Oral History
John LaBatte I see errors in Minnesota Historical Society's signs and books Shared History Forced Conversion, Missionaries, Lower Sioux Agency Missionaries, Christianity Oral History
John LaBatte Where did the Dakota Indian get their land? Shared History Treaties, Dakota Land, Trade Treaties, Trade, Migration Oral History
Michael Childs It was used against us; the generosity was used against us Shared History Treaties, Dakota Land Treaties, Generosity Oral History
Frederick Juni The reservation line goes through our land Shared History Dakota and Settler Relationships, Reservations Reservations Oral History
Sandra Geshick Resilience Shared History Survival, Aftermath of 1862, Resilience Survival, Resilience, Protection Oral History
Walter LaBatte The way it was written, the government never intended to pay us the full amount Shared History Treaties, U.S. Government Consequences Oral History
Dallas Ross “We did this in a manner that was good. Why is this happening to us?" Shared History Treaties, Spirituality, Fort Snelling Fort Snelling, Savage Oral History
Raymond Owen Even today, you live in the United States of Dakota Shared History Dakota Land, Treaties Treaties, Pike Treaty Oral History
Byron White Who said once, “Treaties are made to be broken.” Well, I guess they were right Shared History Treaties Treaties Oral History
Dr. Elden Lawrence “You guys can’t be in here; I own all the air in here” Shared History Dakota Land, Treaties, Immigration, U.S. Government Land, Settlers, Treaties, Encroachment, Dakota and U.S. Gov't Oral History
Dr. Elden Lawrence "We’re going to drive you all the way to the Rocky Mountains" Shared History Treaties, Dakota Social Structure, U.S. Government, Dakota Land Treaties, Dakota and U.S. Gov't, Land Oral History
Dr. Elden Lawrence The ideal American doesn’t really exist; he’s a myth Shared History U.S. Government, Assimilation, Dawes Act, American Indian Policy Dakota and U.S. Gov't, Assimilation, Dawes Act, American Indian Policy Oral History
Pamela Halverson Our camp was Kaposia Shared History Treaties, Reservations, Genocide, U.S. Government Homeland, Reservations, Lower Sioux Community, Dakota and U.S. Gov't Oral History
Pamela Halverson Our people fought terrorism for a long time Shared History Dakota Land, U.S. Government, Homestead Act Homeland, Medicine, Land Loss Oral History
Albert Taylor That's how much damage they did to me. Shared History Current Events, Dakota in White Systems, Growing Up Dakota, Boarding School Boarding School Oral History
Willard Manderfeld I don't think they got a very fair deal Shared History Treaties Treaties, Land Oral History
Ed LaBelle Collateral Damage Shared History Perspectives on 1862, U.S. Government Henry Sibley, Alexander Ramsey Oral History
Ed LaBelle It was the worst thing that could have happened to the Dakotas in Minnesota Shared History Treaties, U.S. Government Treaties, Alexander Ramsey Oral History
Myron Taylor They made a falsehood out of the whole thing Shared History Treaties, U.S. Government Treaties, U.S. Government Oral History
William Beane In the end they got very little money. Shared History Treaties Treaties Oral History

Viewpoints: All viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the contributors, and are not representative of the Minnesota Historical Society.