
Narrator Theme Topics Keywords Type
Barbara Anderson They wanted to make sure that the Indians behaved Shared History Dakota and Settler Relationships, Reservations, Boarding Schools Reservations, Boarding School, Drinking Oral History
John LaBatte Some people call it a clash of cultures. I don't, that's too general Shared History Dakota and Settler Relationships Fur Traders, Missionaries, Treaties Oral History
Frederick Juni The reservation line goes through our land Shared History Dakota and Settler Relationships, Reservations Reservations Oral History
Frederick Juni It was a clash of two cultures. It had to be. 1862 Dakota and Settler Relationships, Factions, Causes of War Cause, Factions, Neighbors, Compassion Oral History
John LaBatte That whole process is very complicated 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Factions, Missionaries, Christianity, Fur Trade, Dakota and Settler Relationships Myrick, LaBatte, Intermarriage, Kinship, Starvation, Lac qui Parle, Acton, Conversion, Big Eagle (Waŋbdí Tháŋka) Oral History
Walter LaBatte I can’t understand why they’re mad Life Today Dakota and Settler Relationships, Dakota Land Trust, Land Loss, Germans, French, Traders, Attitudes Oral History
Terry Sveine They came over from Luxembourg Immigration Settler Life, Dakota and Settler Relationships Immigration Oral History
Lorraine Wels “Grandma Koehler’s house was burned to the ground..." 1862 Family in 1862, Dakota and Settler Relationships Steamboat, New Ulm, Settlers Oral History
Jerry Weldy Joseph and his family had close connections with the Indian community 1862 Family in 1862, Dakota and Settler Relationships Treaty Oral History
Deborah White In ten years I had the director position and I’ve been here since Life Today Dakota Life Today, Dakota and Settler Relationships Gaming Commission Oral History

Viewpoints: All viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the contributors, and are not representative of the Minnesota Historical Society.