
Narrator Theme Topics Keywords Type
John LaBatte Two of my grandfathers were sentenced to hang at Mankato 1862 Family in 1862, Aftermath of 1862 Christianity, Davenport Prison, Faribault, Henry Whipple, Mankato Oral History
John LaBatte The notion is that if you're Christian you can't be an Indian Life Today Spirituality Christianity Oral History
John LaBatte I see errors in Minnesota Historical Society's signs and books Shared History Forced Conversion, Missionaries, Lower Sioux Agency Missionaries, Christianity Oral History
Dallas Ross You can’t be around old Dakotas without learning about the spirituality of things. Growing Up Growing Up, Dakota Culture and Values, Spirituality, Storytelling, Christianity Culture, Values, Storytelling, Dakota Spirituality, Christianity Oral History
Joan Pendleton They would never talk in front of us kids in our Dakota language Growing Up Growing Up, Language, Spirituality Hoop Dance, Christianity, Dakota Language, School Oral History
Raymond Owen In order to go forward, we had to go back to our old ways Life Today Spirituality, Dakota Life Today, Inter-Tribal Relationships Bureau of Indian Affairs, BIA, Ojibwe (Anishinaabe, Chippewa), Christianity Oral History
Dr. Elden Lawrence If I don’t break down some barriers, if I don’t tread some new paths... Growing Up Growing Up, Dakota in White Systems, Education, Spirituality, Military, Dakota Language History, Prejudice, School, Military, Christianity, Ancestors, Language Oral History
Dr. Elden Lawrence Two ways of life were clashing 1862 Causes of War, Factions Dakota Factions, Warrior, Christianity Oral History
Dr. Elden Lawrence They got some recompense, I guess 1862 Aftermath of 1862 Dakota Factions, Lincoln, Hangings, Warrior, Christianity Oral History
Dr. Elden Lawrence Lorenzo Lawrence (Towanetaton) 1862 Family in 1862, Lorenzo Lawrence (Towanetaton) Dakota Spirituality, Christianity, Military, Warrior Oral History
David Pashe I hadn't realized I was an Indian Growing Up Growing Up, Family, Dakota History, Dakota Language and Culture, Spirituality, Christianity Family, History, Spirituality, Christianity Oral History
Leslie Smoke Sacrifice Life Today Spirituality, Christianity, Dakota Culture and Values Christianity Oral History
Beverly Wakeman One time I asked him why he didn’t teach us to speak the language. Growing Up Growing Up Dakota Dakota Language, WWII, Christianity Oral History
Ed LaBelle The child believed, "who died?" Growing Up Growing Up Dakota, Dakota Culture and Values, Dakota Language, Boarding School, Christianity, Jobs Language, School, Spirituality, Christianity Oral History
Myron Taylor I still remember some of them Growing Up Growing Up Dakota Education, Family, Medicine, Military, Language, Christianity Oral History
Myron Taylor These people, those people, our relatives, were fighting for the same thing. 1862 Perspectives on 1862, Aftermath of 1862, Family in 1862, Ways of Commemorating Discrimination, Education, School, Land, History, Christianity, Family, Mankato Hanging Oral History

Viewpoints: All viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the contributors, and are not representative of the Minnesota Historical Society.