Mayor Beussman talks about peoples' misperceptions about America and the Midwest.
We're people just like they are
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In 1976 or 77, it might have been 77- 78, Cheryl and I hosted two young men from Germany, first time they had ever been to America. They wanted to find out about America so they started watching American movies, and they were scared to death when they came to a place called New Ulm, Minnesota. Because in every movie that they had seen there was New York City, Chicago and the gangsters, nothing in the middle between that and San Francisco except Native Americans and soldiers fighting and shooting at each other and killing the buffalo. There was nothing out here. That’s exactly what their research said. And I said: Now, wait a minute, there’s nothing more than that? Well, they were pretty young and they were just really scared to death, only to find out that hey, we’re people just like they are.
Citation: Minnesota Historical Society. U.S. - Dakota War of 1862. We're people just like they are January 29, 2025.
Viewpoints: All viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the contributors, and are not representative of the Minnesota Historical Society.