Dakota Tipi First Nation

Dakota Tipi First Nation is situated approximately 2.5 miles southwest of the city of Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, roughly 80 km west of Winnipeg, on the Yellow Quill Trail. The reserve consists of a total of 371.8 acres. Its population is 368, of which 183 are on the reserve and 205 are off.


We’re just fighting for survival in Canada
Bruce Braden Pashe | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of War, Dakota Hopes for the Future
Keywords: Dakota Exile/Diaspora
Isan tanka
Clayton Maxwell Smoke | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of War, Dakota Exile/Diaspora, Punitive Expeditions
Keywords: Exile, Diaspora, Punitive Expeditions
I hadn't realized I was an Indian
David Pashe | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up, Family, Dakota History, Dakota Language and Culture, Spirituality, Christianity
Keywords: Family, History, Spirituality, Christianity
They used to call me a refugee all the time
David Pashe | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Aftermath of War, Dakota History, Dakota Exile/Diaspora, Family in War, Repatriation
Keywords: Exile, Diaspora, Inkpaduta, Andrew Myrick, Repatriation
"You’re supposed to be helping us- not them"
David Pashe | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Perspectives on War, Causes of War, Inter-cultural Relationships
Keywords: Farming, Indian Agent, Assimilation
We had signs on every door that said "Speak English"
Elsie Noel | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up, Family, Boarding School, Dakota Culture and Values
Keywords: School, Mounties, Language, Medicine
“Elsie’s one of these people you meet once and you never forget.”
Elsie Noel | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Jobs
Keywords: Jobs
We learned how to skate and slide down the hill
Marina James | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Growing Up, Family, Work
Keywords: Work, Medicine
She knew all the different roots
Marina James | Oral History
Theme: Growing Up
Topics: Family, Dakota Culture and Values
Keywords: Spirituality, Medicine
Trying to hide from the Americans
Marina James | Oral History
Theme: 1862
Topics: Family in War, Aftermath of War, Dakota Exile/Diaspora
Keywords: Family, Exile, Diaspora
You feel right at home, just like you’ve known them for years
Marina James | Oral History
Theme: Life Today
Topics: Dakota Life Today, Homeland
Keywords: Home, Diaspora
Randolph Pashe | Oral History
Theme: Hopes for the Future
Topics: Dakota Hopes for the Future
Keywords: Identity

Viewpoints: All viewpoints expressed on this website are those of the contributors, and are not representative of the Minnesota Historical Society.