Long Plain First Nation

Long Plain First Nation (LPFN) is a First Nation identified by INAC as Indian Band No. 6. The community is located in the Central Plains region of Manitoba, to the southwest of Portage la Prairie along the Assiniboine River, and lies between the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie and the Rural Municipality of South Norfolk. As of December 2010 the population of LPFN totaled 3,862 of which approximately 2,115 live on reserve lands at the community of LPFN and a further 1,747 live off reserve in a number of rural southern communities and in urban centres in the province, or elsewhere in Canada. 
LPFN has two reserves, which are located entirely in the Province of Manitoba. The Reserves are comprised of approximately 10,553 acres of land.  The main community (Reserve No. 6) is where the majority of members reside and consists of 10,508 acres. The Portage la Prairie urban reserve consists of approximately 45 acres.   
LPFN is also currently in the process of establishing an urban reserve in the City of Winnipeg.
LPFN website

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