Year of the Daḳota: Daḳota People, Daḳota Homelands

Tue, 2012-09-25 08:45 -- maggie.lorenz
Event Date(s): 
Oct 3 2012 - 2:30pm


Metropolitan State University
700 East Seventh Street Library, 3rd Floor, Room 302
Saint Paul, MN 55106
United States
Phone: 651-793-1367

Metropolitan State University’s President, Sue Hammersmith, announced at fall commencement that this year at Metropolitan State will be recognized as the Year of the Dakota. Watch for upcoming events, and consider attending this first program as part of this series.
Daḳota People, Daḳota Homelands
Join Iyekiyapiwiƞ Darlene St. Clair, Visiting Associate Professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota, for a presentation on Mni Sota, homeland of the Daḳota.
Wednesday, October 3rd
2:30 – 4 pm

Metropolitan State University
700 East Seventh Street, St. Paul
Library, 3rd floor, room 302

This event is sponsored by the Diversity Learning Task Force at Metropolitan State University

Event Organization: 
Metropolitan State University