- 1862 Visual Resources Database. Minnesota Historical Society.
- Multimedia Classroom. Historic Fort Snelling.
- U.S. Dakota War 1862: History Site Treaty Center. Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies. University of Minnesota.
- The Dakota Conflict WebQuest. NativeWeb.
- 1862 Dakota Conflict. Voices Education Project.
- www.usdakotawarmncountybycounty.com. A website outlining how specific counties in Minnesota were involved in the war.
- www.athrillingnarrative.com. A blog by historian Carrie Zeman discussing events surrounding 1862 and historical research.
- Commemorating Controversy. The U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 Speaker Series. Gustavus Adolphus College.
- Little War on the Prairie. This American Life. WBEZ Chicago.
- Minnesota Human Rights History, 1862. The Dakota Conflict film.
- Minnesota River Valley Scenic Byways Mobile Tour. Minnesota Historical Society.