History Lounge: Dakota Women's Work

Tue, 2012-04-17 00:00 -- no-reply
Event Date: 
Apr 17, 2012

Minnesota History Center, St. Paul, Professor Colette Hyman, author of the new book "Dakota Women's Work" speaks about how Dakota Indian women continued the traditions of their people, even as they faced removal and repeated attempts at their extermination. Four decades after the Dakota Indian people were brutally removed from their homelands in Minnesota after their defeat in the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, a Dakota girl named Lillian Beane was born and her great-aunt Mary Eastman Faribault made for her a pair of deerskin moccasins beaded with a floral design characteristic of the work of their people. Following the traditions of her grandmothers, doing much as they had in their Minnesota homelands, Mary honored both her ancestors and her family with this gift.

Event Organization: 
Minnesota Historical Society