History Lounge: The 1862 Dakota Peace Coalition

Tue, 2013-01-29 00:00 -- no-reply
Event Date: 
Jan 29, 2013

Minnesota History Center, St. Paul, Most Dakota people living in Minnesota in 1862 did not anticipate or participate in the U.S.-Dakota War. This fact was long buried under misinformation, spread by early writings which sought to justify the seizure of Dakota lands in the wake of the war. These documents effectively silenced the story of the majority of Dakota people, and of the Dakota resistance movement known historically as the Peace Coaltition. Historian Carrie Reber Zeman recovers the diverse voices of this anti-war coalition, using their own narratives to illuminate who they were, what galvanized their opposition, what they accomplished and what happened to them in the wars terrible aftermath. She argues that the Dakota men and women who actively worked to end the war were motivated by their desire to stay in Mni Sota Makoce, the Dakota homeland.Carrie Reber Zeman is an independent historian specializing in the context and historiography of the U.S. Dakota War of 1862. Zeman edited and annotated the 2012 edition of Mary Butler Renville's 1863 book, A Thrilling Narrative of Indian Captivity: Dispatches from the Dakota War (University of Nebraska Press).

7 PM.

Event Organization: 
Minnesota Historical Society